statistics of Alte Bahnhofshalle Friedenau

In this venue Acoustic Concerts Berlin puts up the series 'Folk & World Music at the Alte Bahnhofshalle', usually there is one concert a month. It's always on Sunday nights.
Bahn­hof­straße 4 a-d
June 2024234
May 2024306
April 2024287
March 2024235
February 2024388
January 2024872
December 2023162
November 2023239
October 2023293
September 2023361
August 2023282
July 2023535
June 2023422
May 2023412
April 2023307
March 2023426
February 2023209
January 2023459
December 2022382
November 2022334
October 2022329
September 2022298
August 2022549
July 2022459
June 2022326

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