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Statistiken von Bixology

I have been a fan of Bixology ever since I heard their first recording. All three musicians play with the authority and respect the music requires. Bix lives, and especially in this new incarnation! RANDY SANDKE

Make no mistake, this is a full band. The combination of bass sax with acoustic guitar provides as propulsive a rhythmic base as anyone could ask for -- no drums are needed! SCOTT ROBINSON

Thanks for keeping this music live! VINCE GIORDANO
Mai 2024183
April 2024570
März 2024475
Februar 2024814
Januar 20241.810
Dezember 2023458
November 2023322
Oktober 2023523
September 2023520
August 2023666
Juli 2023926
Juni 20231.093
Mai 2023669
April 2023299
März 2023367
Februar 2023217
Januar 2023341
Dezember 2022306
November 2022251
Oktober 2022295
September 2022266
August 2022422
Juli 2022409
Juni 2022368
Mai 2022334

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