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Statistiken von Caroll Vanwelden

In January 2011 Caroll moves with her family to Germany where she starts composing for her new challenging project: putting music on 16 Shakespeare Sonnets. She finished the writing in December 2011 and recorded her new album 'Caroll Vanwelden Sings Shakespeare Sonnets' in April 2012. Caroll sings the sonnets and in the mean time plays the piano and together with her musicians Thomas Siffling (tr,flughelh), Mini Schulz (double bass) and Markus Faller (dr,perc), she brings you in the different atmospheres and
 sound colours of Shakespeare's wonderful world. With this album she propels the great Shakespeare unexpectedly into the world of big jazz librettists and interprets his lyrics into contemporary music in wonderful arrangements.
The new album 'Caroll Vanwelden Sings Shakespeare Sonnets' was released in October 2012 at the Enjoy Jazz Festival in Mannheim, Germany under the label Jazz 'N' Arts.
Critic Thomas Hintze (Stereo, Dezember 2012): 'Hier handelt es sich um ein Album, welches das Zeug hat, zur CD des Jahres gewählt zu werden.'
Mai 2024161
April 2024288
März 2024207
Februar 2024234
Januar 2024806
Dezember 2023183
November 2023123
Oktober 2023242
September 2023187
August 2023271
Juli 2023295
Juni 2023274
Mai 2023178
April 202374
März 2023117
Februar 202353
Januar 2023151
Dezember 202290
November 2022152
Oktober 202292
September 202290
August 2022137
Juli 2022172
Juni 2022217
Mai 2022190

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