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Denis Gäbel Trio

Denis Gäbel Trio
'Denis Gäbel has perfectly captured the spirit of the master saxophonist Sonny Rollins on his expertly crafted recording, 'Keep On Rollin''. That he does so while maintaining his individuality is no minor accomplishment. I was quite impressed with his big sound, loose phrasing and overall confidence. After listening to this fresh outing from him, I'm left with the impression that this is just the start of a wonderful career for this talented saxophonist. To quote a theme song that I used to play
Denis Gäbel Trio

"Denis Gäbel has perfectly captured the spirit of the master saxophonist Sonny Rollins on his expertly crafted recording, "Keep On Rollin'". That he does so while maintaining his individuality is no minor accomplishment. I was quite impressed with his big sound, loose phrasing and overall confidence. After listening to this fresh outing from him, I'm left with the impression that this is just the start of a wonderful career for this talented saxophonist. To quote a theme song that I used to play with Sonny, Denis-"Don't Stop The Carnival".

Mark Soskin (Pianist in Sonny Rollins Band für 15 Jahre)

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