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Karl Schloz Trio

Karl Schloz Trio
Since moving from New York to Berlin just three years ago, Karl has found a steady working band in Germany's capital city. Playing regularly in Berlin and concertizing through out the country, this
Karl Schloz Trio

Since moving from New York to Berlin just three years ago, Karl has found a steady working band in Germany's capital city. Playing regularly in Berlin and concertizing through out the country, this group has forged a unique identity of the whisper-like intensity that never loses sight of the past, present and future of jazz. Drawing a repertoire from Charlie Christian to Baden Powell, Gershwin to Jim Hall, 'Togetherness' in sound and spirituality, this trio has a love of the melody and a passion for interaction.

Drummer Ernst Bier (i. e. Perry Robinson, Christoph Adams, Mack Goldsbury) adds experience and groove along with bassist Stefan Weeke virtouoso solos and wit. This trio captures all that Karl Schloz is about and allows even a more forward-thinking, but always swinging, sound.

'Drei Raubkatzen auf dem großen Sprung'

Das Karl Schloz Trio begeistert im Heilbrunner Jazzclub Cave 61 im K3 mit Contemporary Swinging Music.

Karl Schloz hat das, was man landläufig unter einer 'real original voice', einer eigenständigen musikalischen Sprache versteht, längst gefunden. Im Clubkonzert überzeugt der Wahlberliner durch sein elegantes, fein abgestimmtes Spiel mit Schlagzeuger Ernst Bier und Kontrabassist Martin Lillich.

Heilbronner Stimme, Juni 2002

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