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Millennium Jazz Orchestra

Joan Reinder's Millennium Jazz Orchestra is one of the leading Big Bands in the Netherlands.

The Millennium Jazz Orchestra is a pure jazz orchestra with professional Dutch musicians. Since 1990 the band plays every first Wednesday of the month in theater Bouwkunde in Deventer (NL), featuring a famous soloist. 

In addition, concerts are regularly played in theaters and at jazz festivals throughout the country.
The band has performed at the North Sea Jazz, in the Concertgebouw of Amsterdam and at The Hague Jazz, to name but a few.
In 2006 the Millennium Jazz Orchestra was invited together with vocalist Fay Claassen to perform at the IAJE in New York.

The latest CD Pretty Pumps was released in 2010 and presents seven exciting compositions written by the bandleader Joan Reinders.

On October 2010 a special concert took place in Enschede: 
Jazz meets Classic meets World Music - with string orchestra Sinfonietta Aurora and singer Esra Dalfidan.

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