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publications by Matthias Schriefl / Andy Haderer - 2 Generations of Trumpets

Matthias Schriefl / Andy Haderer - 2 Generations of Trumpets
Two of Europe's most versatile trumpeters join forces in this band. Austrian-born Andy Haderer holds the lead trumpet chair in the WDR Big Band and is a professor for jazz trumpet at the Musikhochschule Köln. Matthias Schriefl is nearly 20 years younger, winner of several important international awards and leads his band 'Shreefpunk' and 'Brazilian Motions'. They create an almost orchestral scope with an assortment of horns, piccolo trumpet, kuhlohorn, valve trombone and baritone horn.
Matthias Schriefl / Andy Haderer - 2 Generations of Trumpets

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